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T&L Center Library Tech Help Tutoring UCC Online FAQs

We are currently out of student loaner laptops. The waitlist is now open.

Miscellaneous Reserve Items

Geology Kits

These kits are available to UCC students registered for this course only

These do not require a reservation. Simply come to the library and check on out at the circulation desk.

Laptop Waitlist

UCC Library Laptop Checkout Agreement

By checking out a laptop, you agree to assume full financial responsibility while it is in your care. Library laptops are available to currently registered UCC students only. Laptops check out for one term, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Only one laptop at a time may be borrowed by an individual. When picking up a laptop, all students must show a current photo ID.

Laptops must be returned no later than the last Friday of the term in which they were borrowed. The student to whom the laptop is checked out is responsible for all associated costs if the laptop or peripheral is lost, stolen, damaged, or overdue. Replacement costs for items that are lost, damaged (beyond repair), or stolen are: laptop-up to $1000; adapter-up to $50; carry bag-up to $50. All are subject to applicable processing fees.

Technical Assistance:

  • For technical assistance with your laptop, please contact the Student Tech Help Desk at 541-440-4711 or
  • For all other questions, please contact the Library at 541-440-4640 or

You must comply with all library guidelines and college policies regarding use of technology.


The UCC Library is not liable for any data loss. Be sure to save your work to cloud storage or an external flash drive.

Laptops are available to registered UCC students in for-credit classes only.

  • If you are a faculty, adjunct faculty, admin, or staff of the college you must contact your department head for laptops. 

UCC Library Laptop Checkout Agreement

By checking out a laptop, you agree to assume full financial responsibility while it is in your care. Library laptops are available to currently registered UCC students only. Laptops check out for one term, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Only one laptop at a time may be borrowed by an individual. When picking up a laptop, all students must show a current photo ID.

Laptops must be returned no later than the last Friday of the term in which they were borrowed. The student to whom the laptop is checked out is responsible for all associated costs if the laptop or peripheral is lost, stolen, damaged, or overdue. Replacement costs for items that are lost, damaged (beyond repair), or stolen are: laptop-up to $1000; adapter-up to $50; carry bag-up to $50. All are subject to applicable processing fees.

Technical Assistance:

  • For technical assistance with your laptop, please contact the Helpdesk at 541-440-7808.
  • For all other questions, please contact the Library at 541-440-4640 or

You must comply with all library guidelines and college policies regarding use of technology.


The UCC Library is not liable for any data loss. Be sure to save your work to cloud storage or an external flash drive.

Laptop borrowing:

  • Laptops are available for check-out to current UCC students only. 
  • You can ask for these at the Library Circulation Desk (photo Identification is required)

Sign In Instructions
  1. This laptop has web browsers, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and other office apps installed. To use the office apps, you will need to sign into them using a Microsoft account that is activated with Office 365.
  2. Start the Laptop
  3. At the sign-on screen type the password. It is case-sensitive and must be entered in lowercase
    • Password: uccliblab

Free Microsoft Office

If you would like to be signed up for free Office products please visit and enter your student email address or contact the student help desk at 541-440-4711. 

. Umpqua Community College Library, 1140 Umpqua College Rd., Roseburg, OR 97470, 541-440-4640
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