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What are Professional Organizations?

A professional organization, "sometimes referred to as a professional association or professional body, exists to advance a particular profession, support the interests of people working in that profession and serve the public good. It facilitates innovation, communication and connection. A professional organization typically requires member dues, has an elected leadership body and includes a range of subcommittees or functional areas. Professional organizations can be both national or international, and often have close ties to colleges and universities with degree programs in that field" (Q&a, 2020).

As students, many of you are at the beginnings of your careers and are unfamiliar with these professional organizations. This is why educators are encouraged "to introduce their students to the many benefits of joining and being active members in professional societies" (Clark & Vealé, 2020, p.15).

Websites of professional organizations can provide a wealth of knowledge about a specific career. Everything from job postings to salary surveys to job outlooks and everything in between. This makes them a great place for researchers to go!


Clark, K. R., & Vealé, B. L. (2020). Program directors’ perceptions of student membership in professional organizations. Radiologic Science & Education25(2), 15–23.

Q&a: What is a professional organization? (2020, December 27). Indeed.

Professional Organizations

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