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T&L Center Library Tech Help Tutoring UCC Online FAQs

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Student Tech Help
1140 Umpqua College Road
Roseburg, OR 97470
(541) 440-4711

About Us

Located in the Sue Shaffer Learning Commons & Library is the student-facing IT help desk. The desk is staffed by a professional information technologist. They are available to assist students with a number of technological problems from installing educational software to single sign-on (SSO) issues.

UCC Student Tech Help Desk

Macy Thoms, Student Media Technician


The UCC Student Tech Help Desk can provide the following support for students:

  • Evaluate problems with student-owned devices (computers, phones, etc.) and make general recommendations
  • Resolve issues with laptops checked out through the Sue Shaffer Learning Commons & Library
  • Update phone numbers for multifactor authentication (MFA)/reset MFA methods
  • Required educational software 
  • Single sign-on (SSO) issues
  • Reset passwords
  • Lab computers


The UCC Student Tech Help Desk is geared towards serving UCC students. UCC faculty/staff, including student workers, should reach out to BlackBeltHelp (541-440-7808 ext. 6) and/or their home departments for assistance unless it relates to the use of Sue Shaffer Learning Commons & Library resources.

Community Users

The UCC Student Tech Help Desk is geared towards serving UCC students and does not provide assistance to public patrons unless it relates to the use of Sue Shaffer Learning Commons & Library resources.

Limitations and Restrictions 

The UCC Student Tech Help Desk cannot perform hardware repairs/upgrades or install operating systems/software other than required software for educational purposes on student-owned devices. If a device is having hardware issues, students should refer to the manufacturer or a repair facility. 

The UCC Student Tech Help Desk can offer guidance to students on how to install personal software on personal computers and/or other tech devices, but are unable to do so for them.


Your password will expire every 120 days. Follow the below steps to reset your password:

  1. Go to to update your password.
  2. Enter your UCC student email (
    • A 6-digit code will be emailed to your personal email account (the code may get sent to junk). 
  3. Use the code to reset your password within 15 minutes.
  4. Minimum password requirements:
    • Must be at least 8 characters.
    • Must contain at least one uppercase letter and one lowercase letter.
    • Must contain at least one number.
    • Cannot contain personal identifiable information or a familiar phrase.

After your password is reset, you will utilize the new password to log in to your UCC student account. The Self-Service log in will be just your 800XXXXXX with the same password.

If you encounter any issues, please call 541-440-4711 during UCC Student Tech Help hours and 541-440-7808 ext. 7 outside of UCC Student Tech Help hours.

The Self-Service (ellucian) log in will only be your 800XXXXXX number with same password you use at Microsoft login screen.


If you are having issues logging in, do not use the Forgot Username or Password? links. Go to if you forgot or need to update your password (passwords do expire every 120 days).

If you encounter any issues, please call 541-440-4711 during UCC Student Tech Help hours and 541-440-7808 ext. 7 outside of UCC Student Tech Help hours.

To access your UCC student account for the first time and explore UCCs resources, complete the New Student Orientation online at You can also click here to fill out the New Student Orientation Registration from if you would rather complete the New Student Orientation in-person.

If you encounter any issues, please call 541-440-4711 during UCC Student Tech Help hours and 541-440-7808 ext. 7 outside of UCC Student Tech Help Hours.

. Umpqua Community College Library, 1140 Umpqua College Rd., Roseburg, OR 97470, 541-440-4640
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