Welcome to the Teaching & Learning Blog

We’re using this opportunity to share a bit more about the happenings in each department housed within the Sue Shaffer Learning Commons & Library.

It’s hard to believe that the doors of the Sue Shaffer Learning Commons & Library have only been open for three weeks, oh how time flies! What better way to kick off our newly remodeled space than with the inaugural blog post of this Teaching & Learning Hub! 


Contact us! Library@umpqua.edu 

It’s hard to believe that the Sue Shaffer Learning Commons & Library has only been open for three weeks, oh how time flies! There are so many amazing things happening that it’s hard for us to contain them all here in this one blog...which is why we have a separate blog for Library Happenings

UCC Library Blog

If you were in the library early this week you may have noticed 2 more 2-person study pods being installed. This means that we now have a total of 6 study pods.; 3 4-person and 3 2-person pods. These pods are available for students to use for up to 2 hours per day via our reservation system. In addition to using these study pods, students can contribute a name to our “Name a Study Pod!” poll. All appropriate name suggestions will be considered and added to a survey that will be shared campus- wide. Names will be unveiled at the grand reopening celebration on December 8, 2023. 




Contact us! Tutoring@umpqua.edu 

It has been an exciting couple of weeks! Last Thursday in conjunction with UCC Online, Myles and I were able to implement a new resource for students. Therefore, we in tutoring want to make an exciting announcement: 

tutor me poster

Introducing the NEW 24/7 tutoring platform TutorMe 

Just sign into your Canvas account and click on the TutorMe link in the left navigation bar. You can select to have a session with a live tutor 1 on 1 or submit a paper for feedback to the writing lab.  

If you have any questions about how to get started or how to use TutorMe, please contact or see any of our tutors or myself, Karri Miller the Tutoring Coordinator. We can show you how it works, or I can send you training videos on how things in TutorMe work. 

Students can still access our tutors on campus in the Tutoring Center on a drop-in basis or schedule an appointment through the Tutoring Calendar. I still hope to see a lot of faces in the Tutoring Center either for studying or getting some help from our amazing tutors. 





Another exciting announcement for tutoring is that we will hold a student study event on Friday, Dec 1st, from 2:00-7:00 PM: 

Fall Term 

This is a fantastic opportunity for students to have some fun while having the opportunity to study with tutors for their final exams.

As you can see, we will have:

  • activities
  • food
  • free daycare
  • study spaces
  • tutors
  • And MORE!

 I hope to see lots of students and faculty (possibly) at the event. 



Student Tech Help 

Contact us! Austin.Miller@umpqua.edu 

The UCC Student Help Desk is working hard to bring you the most comprehensive support possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us! 


UCC Online 

Contact us! UCCOnline@umpqua.edu 

Making the switch to New Quizzes in Canvas has never been easier! New Quizzes migration during course copy/import has been enabled. If you want to make the switch from classic quizzes just check that box and Canvas takes care of the rest. Reach out if you would like more information! 

You may have noticed that when trying to log into Canvas from the mobile app that you are rerouted to UCCOnline’s web page. That’s normal! Single Sign On (SSO) for Canvas is now functioning as it should be for the mobile app as you will now be prompted for your Microsoft credentials, unless you are already signed into your email, then you’ll just go straight to your Canvas dashboard. Oh yeah!