What's New at the UCC Library?

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profile-icon Liz Teoli-Thomason

January 27th is Holocaust Remembrance Day.


The Holocaust

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) defines the Holocaust as the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. During the Holocaust, German authorities targeted groups because of perceived racial and biological inferiority: Roma (Gypsies), people with disabilities, and those of Slavic background (Poles and Russians). Other groups persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds included Communists, Socialists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and those in the LGBTQ community.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Holocaust Remembrance Day is a solemn occasion to reflect on the horrors of the Holocaust and to strengthen our commitment to preventing such atrocities from ever occurring again. 


Gedenken an 7. Oktober: Brennende Kerze für Juden in Israel - Kostenloses  Foto auf ccnull.de / ccby.de

Explore articles and more using the Library Discovery Service to learn about Holocaust Remembrance.



Gratitude beyond Measure

By Sarah Lyon

By Sarah Lyon

When they give you their sympathies,
You may smile and say thanks,

But they don’t know what you’ve seen.
They don’t know what you’ve lost,
they don’t understand the cost.

Family torn apart,
surviving with a broken heart.

Your story is an incredible one,
One we could only begin to imagine.
One that I can’t even fathom.
But your strength through it all
Is what really outshines and stands tall.

So to you I want to say, you’re amazing.
Thank you for sharing what you’ve seen,
even when you were at the tender age of a

For that time may have taken so much,
but I’m so glad we’re in touch.



Lincoln, M. (2020). Never a Bystander & Other Enduring Lessons for Holocaust Remembrance. Knowledge Quest, 49(2), 44–51.


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Celebrate diversity, cultural traditions, and the impact of Muslim Americans throughout history.

File:Muslim lives matter - placard at London's anti-Trump ban demo.  (32587186492).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Check out this brief article celebrating Muslim American Heritage Month from Gale OneFile News, one of our many library databases! 

Want to learn more about different countries and their cultures? Check out Global Road Warrior, one of the many databases provided to you by the UCC Library. With Global Road Warrior you can easily learn about different countries, their culture, and their customs. You can even find recipes, business etiquette, languages spoken, country demographics and statistics, ethnic groups, stereotypes, society and culture, and lots more!


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Winter Term Library Hours

Help us kick off the new year by swinging in and checking out a great new book! 

Hours for the winter term (1/6/25 - 3/21/25) will be as follows:

  • Monday: 7:45am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday: 7:45am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday:  7:45am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday: 7:45am - 5:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 4:30pm 

Do you Still Have Items From Fall Term?

  • Library reserve items (textbooks, calculators, laptops, course kits) are checked out for one term only with the due date being the last Friday of term (for fall that was amended to be December 2 because of the holiday). Students must return items at the end of each term, failure to return items within 2-weeks of the term's end will be reported to Student Accounts and a hold will be placed on their accounts.


laptop icon





Late Laptops

  • If a laptop is returned late, the borrower may be subject to a 1-week waiting period before they can check out another laptop. This waiting period ensures that library staff have sufficient time to reimage the laptop and make it available to other students who have returned their laptops on time.

Consequences of Circulation Violation

  • Failure to comply with library circulation procedures may result in suspension of borrowing privileges.
  • Students who keep Reserve items significantly past the time they are due, preventing other students from using the material, may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. 


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Happy Winter Holiday!

Christmas composition with star cookies and pine tree branches and cones ·  Free Stock Photo

The Sue Shaffer Learning Commons and Library will be closed for winter holiday from Monday, December 23rd, through Friday, December 27th. 

We will resume intersession hours beginning Monday, December 30th. 

For the complete calendar of hours click here.

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profile-icon Liz Teoli-Thomason
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Happy December to All!

two cats sitting in a snow-frosted window

During Winter Intersession Library, Tutoring, and building hours change. They will be as follows from Monday, December 2, 2024 - Friday, January 3, 2025. For our complete calendar of hours click here.

Library & Tutoring

Monday - Thursday: 8am-5pm
Friday: 9am-4:30pm


Building Lobby

Monday - Friday: 7am-6pm



Winter Break: December 23 - 27
New Year's Day: January 1


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profile-icon Liz Teoli-Thomason
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Fall Term Reserve Items Due Soon



bookable library technology items



Library reserve items (laptops, calculators, and ECE/HDFS textbooks) check out for one term at a time. This assures that the library is able to update all firmware, software, and keep collections accurate. This means that all library laptops, calculators, and textbooks are due on or before Monday, December 2, 2024.

If you need a library laptop, calculator, or ECE/HDFS textbook for Winter Term 2025, they will be available at the start of Winter Term (January 6, 2025). 

Students who do not return library laptops, calculators, and textbooks on or before the due date will have a hold placed on their student account and will be blocked from registering for Spring Term. In addition, they may be referred to a collection agency and charged a non-refundable fee of $250.

Want to avoid this hassle? Please return your library materials on or before Monday, December 2, 2024.


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profile-icon Liz Teoli-Thomason
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Spooky Movies at School!

Come and relax in the in the UCC Library's Innovation Room while watching a spooky movie or two via the library's streaming service, Kanopy!

Date: Thursday, October 31, 2024

Time: 12:00-5:00pm

spooky movie time at UCC

Spooky Movies Everywhere!

This is a drop-in event, spend a few minutes or a few hours!

Can't stay for the whole movie and want to watch it on your own? Check out how you can do that here.

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profile-icon Liz Teoli-Thomason
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Fright Fest: Horror Films for Halloween


Kanopy Fright Fest films for Halloween



Did you know that with Kanopy you can stream spooky movies any time of year to your phone, tablet, computer, or smart tv? All you need is an internet connection and your UCC Library card number! Go to Kanopy - Digital Media & eBooks to learn more*.


*Are you a faculty member? These can even be shown in your classroom!


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profile-icon Liz Teoli-Thomason
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Freedom to Read Day of Action

The freedom to read is an American value that must be protected. Book bans and challenges in the U.S. reached an all-time high in 2023 and continue to happen at an alarming rate. It's more important than ever to show support for local libraries and the freedom to read.

On Saturday, October 19, 2024, libraries, bookstores, readers, and other partners nationwide are hosting rallies and community events to unite against book bans and demonstrate our shared commitment to this fundamental freedom. The UCC Library will be closed at this time, but below you can find some ways you can take action.

unite against book bans logo 

1. Check out the Unite Against Book Bans Action Toolkit 

The Toolkit includes talking points, ways to contact decision makers and media, social media tools, printable branded materials, ideas for grassroots organizing, and more.

2. Register to vote! (The registration deadline for the 11/5/24 General Election is tomorrow, 10/15/24)

Check your registration status and find out what's on the ballot wherever you're voting. Please note that voter registration deadlines vary between states.

3. Report censorship

The American Library Association maintains a database of attempted challenges and bans. If a book challenge takes place in your district, ALA may be able to provide support and more customized resources to oppose the attempted challenge or ban. Most censorship goes unreported. You can help us track trends, identify targeted titles, and develop support materials by submitting a censorship report. All reports are kept strictly confidential.

4. Check out (and read!) a banned book

Libraries keep a lot of statistics, among them how frequently books are used in or checked out from the library. These circulation statistics prove that people want to read challenged or banned titles and support keeping those in or adding similar titles to the collection. Browse ALA's list of Frequently Challenged Books, find one that interests you, and check it out from your library! If they don't have it, request it via interlibrary loan (ILL) and ask that your library purchase a copy. And if the book is already checked out, request to put it on hold so you can check it out when it returns.


All information shared via Unite Against Book Bans.


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Banned Books Week Flyer


What is Banned Books Week?

Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a suddent surge in the number of challenges in libraries, bookstores, and schools. By focusing on efforts to remove or restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws national attention to the harms of censorship. 

The theme for Banned Books Week 2024 (September 22-28) is “Freed Between the Lines.” 

We can find freedom in the pages of a book – but book bans and censorship threaten that freedom, along with many other rights and institutions. During the Banned Books Week, let's share our love of right to read and the freedom found in books. Let's be Freed Between the Lines!



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